
The plugin includes twenty languages as well as support for custom translations.

Included Languages

To use one of the twenty included languages pass its ISO 639-1 code as the language option.

// A basic agjCalendar integration
  dateSelector: '#text-input'

// A basic agjCalendar integration with the Arabic language enabled
  dateSelector: '#text-input',
  language:     'ar'

// Alternatively you can use the $.fn.agjCalendar() function for the same result
  language: 'ar'
ISO 639-1 code language English name
en English English
ar اَلْعَرَبِيَّةُ Arabic
bn বাংলা Bengali
de Deutsch German
es Español Spanish
fr Français French
he עִבְרִית Hebrew
hi आधुनिक मानक हिन्दी Hindi
it Italiano Italian
ja 日本語 Japanese
ko 한국어 Korean
mr मराठी Marathi
pa پنجابی Punjabi
pt Português Portuguese
ru русский язык Russian
te తెలుగు Telugu
tr Türkçe Turkish
ur اردو Urdu
vi Tiếng Việt Vietnamese
zh 官话 Chinese Mandarin

Custom Translations

To use custom translations pass an object of translations as the translations option. Below is a list of all valid translations object keys.

key description English value
days.full.0 Sunday (full) Sunday
days.full.1 Monday (full) Monday
days.full.2 Tuesday (full) Tuesday
days.full.3 Wednesday (full) Wednesday
days.full.4 Thursday (full) Thursday
days.full.5 Friday (full) Friday
days.full.6 Saturday (full) Saturday
days.abbreviated.0 Sunday (abbreviated) Sun
days.abbreviated.1 Monday (abbreviated) Mon
days.abbreviated.2 Tuesday (abbreviated) Tue
days.abbreviated.3 Wednesday (abbreviated) Wed
days.abbreviated.4 Thursday (abbreviated) Thu
days.abbreviated.5 Friday (abbreviated) Fri
days.abbreviated.6 Saturday (abbreviated) Sat
days.short.0 Sunday (short) S
days.short.1 Monday (short) M
days.short.2 Tuesday (short) T
days.short.3 Wednesday (short) W
days.short.4 Thursday (short) T
days.short.5 Friday (short) F
days.short.6 Saturday (short) S
months.full.0 January (full) January
months.full.1 February (full) February
months.full.2 March (full) March
months.full.3 April (full) April
months.full.4 May (full) May
months.full.5 June (full) June
months.full.6 July (full) July
months.full.7 August (full) August
months.full.8 September (full) September
months.full.9 October (full) October
months.full.10 November (full) November
months.full.11 December (full) December
months.abbreviated.0 January (abbreviated) Jan
months.abbreviated.1 February (abbreviated) Feb
months.abbreviated.2 March (abbreviated) Mar
months.abbreviated.3 April (abbreviated) Apr
months.abbreviated.4 May (abbreviated) May
months.abbreviated.5 June (abbreviated) Jun
months.abbreviated.6 July (abbreviated) Jul
months.abbreviated.7 August (abbreviated) Aug
months.abbreviated.8 September (abbreviated) Sep
months.abbreviated.9 October (abbreviated) Oct
months.abbreviated.10 November (abbreviated) Nov
months.abbreviated.11 December (abbreviated) Dec
ordinalSuffixes.1 Ordinal suffix of 1 st
ordinalSuffixes.2 Ordinal suffix of 2 nd
ordinalSuffixes.3 Ordinal suffix of 3 rd
ordinalSuffixes.4 Ordinal suffix of 4 th
ordinalSuffixes.5 Ordinal suffix of 5 th
ordinalSuffixes.6 Ordinal suffix of 6 th
ordinalSuffixes.7 Ordinal suffix of 7 th
ordinalSuffixes.8 Ordinal suffix of 8 th
ordinalSuffixes.9 Ordinal suffix of 9 th
ordinalSuffixes.10 Ordinal suffix of 10 th
ordinalSuffixes.11 Ordinal suffix of 11 th
ordinalSuffixes.12 Ordinal suffix of 12 th
ordinalSuffixes.13 Ordinal suffix of 13 th
ordinalSuffixes.14 Ordinal suffix of 14 th
ordinalSuffixes.15 Ordinal suffix of 15 th
ordinalSuffixes.16 Ordinal suffix of 16 th
ordinalSuffixes.17 Ordinal suffix of 17 th
ordinalSuffixes.18 Ordinal suffix of 18 th
ordinalSuffixes.19 Ordinal suffix of 19 th
ordinalSuffixes.20 Ordinal suffix of 20 th
ordinalSuffixes.21 Ordinal suffix of 21 st
ordinalSuffixes.22 Ordinal suffix of 22 nd
ordinalSuffixes.23 Ordinal suffix of 23 rd
ordinalSuffixes.24 Ordinal suffix of 24 th
ordinalSuffixes.25 Ordinal suffix of 25 th
ordinalSuffixes.26 Ordinal suffix of 26 th
ordinalSuffixes.27 Ordinal suffix of 27 th
ordinalSuffixes.28 Ordinal suffix of 28 th
ordinalSuffixes.29 Ordinal suffix of 29 th
ordinalSuffixes.30 Ordinal suffix of 30 th
ordinalSuffixes.31 Ordinal suffix of 31 st
meridiemIndicators.lowercase.0 Lowercase variant of ante meridiem am
meridiemIndicators.lowercase.1 Lowercase variant of post meridiem pm
meridiemIndicators.uppercase.0 Uppercase variant of ante meridiem AM
meridiemIndicators.uppercase.1 Uppercase variant of post meridiem PM
hideCalendar Hide calendar text Hide Calendar
nextMonth Next month text Next Month
previousMonth Previous month text Previous Month
poweredByBefore Powered by (before agjCalendar link) Powered by
poweredByAfter Powered by (after agjCalendar link)  
blankDateText Blank date text Select a Date

You can also pass the language option as a fallback for any missing translations. The translations option will always take precedence over the language option. If you are using unique characters you will also need to call the $.agjCalendar.addRegexTextPattern() and pass a regular expression pattern to match the new characters. You don’t have to add patterns for any of the included languages or emoji. If this step is skipped the plugin will fail to identify the values when they are used in input fields.

// Add Tamiḻ (Tamil) characters regular expression pattern

// A basic agjCalendar integration with Tamiḻ (Tamil) translations
  dateSelector:    '#tamil-input',
  allowBlankDates: true,
  defaultDate:     'blank',
  dateFormat:      'j F Y',
  calendarCount:   2,
  calendarSize:    'large',
  translations:    {
    days: {
      full: {
        0: 'ஞாயிற்றுக்கிழமை',
        1: 'திங்கட்கிழமை',
        2: 'செவ்வாய்க்கிழமை',
        3: 'புதன்கிழமை',
        4: 'வியாழக்கிழமை',
        5: 'வெள்ளிக்கிழமை',
        6: 'சனிக்கிழமை'
      abbreviated: {
        0: 'ஞாயி.',
        1: 'திங்.',
        2: 'செவ்.',
        3: 'புதன்.',
        4: 'வியா.',
        5: 'வெள்.',
        6: 'சனி.'
      short: {
        0: 'ஞாயி.',
        1: 'திங்.',
        2: 'செவ்.',
        3: 'புதன்.',
        4: 'வியா.',
        5: 'வெள்.',
        6: 'சனி.'
    months: {
      full: {
        0:  'ஜனவரி',
        1:  'பிப்ரவரி',
        2:  'மார்ச்',
        3:  'ஏப்ரல்',
        4:  'மே',
        5:  'ஜூன்',
        6:  'ஜூலை',
        7:  'ஆகஸ்ட்',
        8:  'செப்டம்பர்',
        9:  'அக்டோபர்',
        10: 'நவம்பர்',
        11: 'டிசம்பர்'
      abbreviated: {
        0:  'ஜன.',
        1:  'பிப்.',
        2:  'மார்ச்.',
        3:  'ஏப்.',
        4:  'மே.',
        5:  'ஜூன்.',
        6:  'ஜூலை.',
        7:  'ஆக.',
        8:  'செப்.',
        9:  'அக்ட்.',
        10: 'நவ.',
        11: 'டிச.'
    ordinalSuffixes: {
      1:  'ஆம்',
      2:  'ஆம்',
      3:  'ஆம்',
      4:  'ஆம்',
      5:  'ஆம்',
      6:  'ஆம்',
      7:  'ஆம்',
      8:  'ஆம்',
      9:  'ஆம்',
      10: 'ஆம்',
      11: 'ஆம்',
      12: 'ஆம்',
      13: 'ஆம்',
      14: 'ஆம்',
      15: 'ஆம்',
      16: 'ஆம்',
      17: 'ஆம்',
      18: 'ஆம்',
      19: 'ஆம்',
      20: 'ஆம்',
      21: 'ஆம்',
      22: 'ஆம்',
      23: 'ஆம்',
      24: 'ஆம்',
      25: 'ஆம்',
      26: 'ஆம்',
      27: 'ஆம்',
      28: 'ஆம்',
      29: 'ஆம்',
      30: 'ஆம்',
      31: 'ஆம்',
    meridiemIndicators: {
      lowercase: {
        0: 'காலை',
        1: 'மாலை'
      uppercase: {
        0: 'காலை',
        1: 'மாலை'
    hideCalendar:    'காலெண்டரை மறை',
    nextMonth:       'அடுத்த மாதம்',
    previousMonth:   'சென்ற மாதம்',
    poweredByBefore: '',
    poweredByAfter:  'மூலம் இயக்கப்படுகிறது',
    blankDateText:   'ஒரு தேதியைத் தேர்ந்தெடுக்கவும்'

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